"To perpetuate the history
and memories of the United States Naval Academy and the members of the
Class of 1963 thereof, and to encourage and assist the growth and development
of the United States Naval Academy."
Class of 1963 Legacy-1963 Center for Academic Excellence (63 CAE)
"In a sense, our Legacy will be 'a gift that keeps giving.' It will not be a one time effort, project, or contribution. Rather, it will provide a continuum between the past and the future. "
December 27, 2023: Letter to Spencer Johnson from Peter's wife Joan Vermaire.
After reading the December Irish Pennants message, I knew I had to respond. My first husband, Pete Vermaire, was in the class of 1963. I have wonderful memories of USNA and 10 years of exceptional experiences as an Air Force (yes!) wife before Pete died in a plane crash at Pax River's Naval Test Pilot School.His commitment to academic excellence was obvious, as I remember that he was 3rd in the class of 1963. Following that year, he spent two years at University of Michigan to get two Master's Degrees and where he became a best friend of a USASFA graduate who credits Pete with helping him get through the program. He wrote "I was placed on 'probation' for the second semester. But God had intervened on my behalf - I met Pete Vermaire in one of my classes. He was a brilliant graduate of the Naval Academy and had chosen to serve in the Air Force instead of the Navy, we became good friends, him working with me on the coursework and my being able to go, better prepared and confident, into the various tests."
From my memory, I am aware that Pete also helped fellow officers through pilot training at Webb AFB as well as members of his class at Pax River until his death.
A commitment of the Class of 1963 to its classmates may have initially started with a scholarship fund set up to provide financial assistance to the children heading off to college. Our two children, Karen and Alec, both received monthly support for college expenses, which helped them to graduate debt-free. We are all forever grateful for that support.
I have followed the impressive efforts to establish the Center for Excellence and am delighted about the recognition as the "top school in the country for student academic support and counseling services." You all had the presence to see the importance of supporting students to achieve at their highest levels. How fortunate incoming midshipmen have benefited from the brilliance of your leadership, commitment and financial support. Thank you for all you have done. I believe Pete would have been right there along with all of you to accomplish this vision. Since he didn't get that chance, I want to say "congratulations" on an incredible project that you refused to let fail. You are a rare group of comrades with a common goal, and I am so pleased to feel a tiny connection to it.
10/13/2023--Amazing '63 Contribution Stats from Spencer Johnson
Since graduation, the class of 1963 has donated over 73 million to various causes around the Yard. Ranked FIRST amongst all classes.Several Class Projects have been Funded since graduation, including:
Alumni Hall - Concourse
Faculty Development Endowment
Scholarship Program for children of deceased (outside USNAAA)
Vietnam Memorial
Naval Academy Fund
Academic Center support - $35,383,830.28 TOTAL Includes 27.5M bequest from Ron Terwilliger. $7,883,840 without Terwilliger bequest.
8/18/2023--Dr.Bruce Bukowski's 2023 CAE Newsletter
Just wanted you to get an update on the CAE usage by the Brigade last year. Well another record year for the Center as it continues to be utilized more and more as the years move on. Thanks to your class for supporting this endeavor as I can not think of a bigger impact on Midshipman than the CAE. Over 1700 appointments per week utilized by over 1000 mids per week. We also have some new support programs that we have implemented in the past year and we expect them to grow moving forward . I have included a recap right up and we have developed a new 6 min video of the CAE in action. Thank you to all the Class of 63 and Ron Terwilliger for all you have done to make this program a huge success.Click Here for a video of the CAE in action.
Click Here to read Dr. Bruce Bukowski's 2023 Update on the CAE.
8/21/2022--Dr.Bruce Bukowski's 2022 CAE Newsletter
Click Here to read Dr. Bruce Bukowski's 2022 Update on the CAE.
8/5/2021--Dr.Bruce Bukowski's 2021 CAE Newsletter
Click Here to read Dr. Bruce Bukowski's 2021 Update on the CAE.
8/22/2020--Dr.Bruce Bukowski's 2020 CAE Newsletter
Click Here to read Dr. Bruce Bukowski's 2020 Update on the CAE.
June 23, 2020---Shipmate article about J. Ronald Terwilleger '63--"FOR LOVE OF THE GAMES".
To read the Shipmate article Click Here
Jim DeFrancia received this note from John Rudder '78 (Foundation V.P. of Development) which really nails the purpose of the CAE."Congratulations to you and your '63 classmates around the extraordinary efforts to support the CAE. Academic Dean, Andy Phillips, regularly tells audiences once the CAE was stood up, it shifted us from an "attrition" model at USNA to a "development" model, providing the resources needed to get students through USN who really wanted to be here. He calls it "the most important gift USNA has ever received"."To read the latest CAE Report Click Here
I recently met with the granddaughter of a good family friend in the process of applying for the class of 2024. She's very bright and has been courted by a number of universities. But, she wants a military career. After visiting the Air Force Academy and Annapolis for summer programs, she settled solidly on the Naval Academy. She went on to say a significant deciding factor was how impressed she was with the 63CAE.
Dear Classmates, Friends and Members of the Class of 1963 Family,Special Announcement.
On the 5th of September dozen or so classmates gathered at the Sparks Steak House in New York City. Present was as Ron Terwilliger who used the occasion to announce his commitment to a $27.5 million dollar bequest from his estate to endow the 63CAE. In addition, any near term shortfalls in funding for 63CAE current and projected annual operations were agreed be shared equally by Ron and the class. Once the Terwilliger endowment is activated, any funding shortfalls should be a moot point. Ron has ensured the financial viability of the 63CAE in perpetuity. Our name on the door will ensure the memorialization of our class and classmates long after we are gone. Ron Terwilliger is truly a Distinguished Graduate and a most esteem ed classmate.I know I speak for the whole class when I say, "You have our salute, Ron. Well Done, Classmate !!"
Your continuing contributions, gifts, memorial funding, and estate bequests are all still needed and much appreciated as we continue touch the midshipmen of the Brigade each and every day through the services of the 63CAE. Well Done, Classmates!
See you at the football games. We are off to a good start with the opening victory over Holy Cross. Army lost to Michigan in double overtime on Saturday a portent of things tyo come.
Quality 63
Spencer Johnson
SpencerJust a written review of the past year at the Academic Center. Also included a Video that we produced that is on our WEB site for informational and marketing purposes. We sent the video link to the incoming plebes on June 1st and had over 650 views. I think your class will be excited with the results. Just keeps growing Spencer and it all starts with your class having the for site in this need years back.
Up to 1350 Midshipmen a week and 98% of the plebe class. Thank you and your class. Look forward to addressing your class in San Diego this October. You can share this with your class.
Here is our news letter for Foundation for last year. Another great year. As always I will make sure the Class of 63 gets the recognition that it deserves in my meetings but again I feel your investment is still one of the best around for the Academy. 1151 mids a week utilize our services. I finally feel after 5 years the Center is one of the best in the country and it could not be more fit for a better group of future officers.Click Here to read Dr. Bruce Bukowski's 2016 Update on the CAE.
The year 2015 is rapidly drawing to a close leaving many memorable events to the history books.
As reported at our fiftieth reunion, our Class of 1963 Foundation which has accomplished so much,will cease to exist legally as of midnight tomorrow. Our accounts are closed. Those who make regular and year end donations to the Class foundation to support the 63 Center for Academic Excellence (63CAE) and the USNA should make year end and future donations to:
United States Naval Academy Foundation
Processing Center
P.O. Box 79169
Baltimore, Maryland 21279-0169
When making such a donation please designate the fund you want to support, the 63CAE or the Annual Fund or a combination of the two. Include the designation of the purpose line of your check or pledge form. Thank you for your past and continuing generosity to the 63CAE and our alma mater.
Hope you have had a wonderful holiday season. I extend my personal best wishes for a healthy, fulfilling and happy New Year to each of you,your families and your loved ones.
Quality 63
Spencer Johnson
Dear Rich,
Thanks to you and your colleagues for all the hard work on bringing this to a wonderful conclusion!
And MOST IMPORTANT, thanks to the Class of 1963 for their continued significant support for the CAE!!!!
This is most appreciated ... by USNA in general, and by the midshipmen for whom this makes such a big difference.
Best regards,
Andrew T. Phillips
Academic Dean and Provost
I thought I should bring everyone up to date on our NAF Agreement. This agreement overrides all our previous agreements.
CLICK HERE for our new agreement with NAF.
The highlights as I see them are as follows:
Naming of the CAE will be The 1963 Center for Academic Excellence until 2050 even if we run out of money in our CAE account.
The account balance at present is $5.4 million and we will be sending $625,000 from our Foundation once all have signed. Expect early Oct.
We will provide $500,000 per year
In 2019 we will review the agreement in total to see if changes are needed based on the conditions at the time
The Striper Plaque will remain in the 63 CAE forever and the Class will up date it annually based on info from NAF
The Foundation plaque(List of Classmate's children supported with scholarships) will remain in the 63 CAE
The Class will have an annual review of the funding sources for the 63 CAE during the first quarter of each fiscal year
The annual fee from NAF will be 0.85%
I think this is a reasonable agreement for all.
My name is 4/c Midshipman Estrella "PLEBE" and I am writing to you in order to say THANK YOU! For your help kindness and support.I am part of the Class of 1963 Academic Center of Excellence and I cannot thank you gentlemen enough for your support and involvement. There is not a day that goes by that I do not go for help. You gentlemen gave so very generously your time, knowledge, and patience.
It is because of individuals like yourselves that I am proud to be part of this amazing institution, because of those who came before me and the influence you have ad in my life and others like me. As a result of your expertise and guidance, I have learned a great deal from you, and your involvement has helped me become better.
Once again, thank you for your commitment and assistance. My gratitude for your contribution to my future success as a Midshipman is immeasurable.Thank you for your service and continued to support. You guys rock!! I would like to one day repay you for your kindness!
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Very respectfully,
Anderson Estrella
He takes 6 classes: English, Chinese, Calc 3, Cyber Defense, Matrix Theory, and History. He got 4 As and 2 Bs, astonishingly enough the Bs were in the two languages. But the really cool thing is that of the four As, he was top of the class in three of them, and two of those are 2nd-year classes, meaning he beat all the youngsters. So we're all really happy with that.
Most important, though, is how happy he is. I get probably two emails a week from him, and they're usually long and full of stories about what fun/mischief/honor he's having. He loves "combat" sports like boxing and wrestling, keeps trying to improve his obstacle course times even though he passed the PRT without issue, and of course has become a huge football fan.
This weekend he's actually staying in DC He got the long weekend on liberty because of his academics.
So that's what's up, all good really. Carl's just blooming, and no MIT or Harvard admission would have worked out better.
Our classmate, Carl was President of the Foundation in the early years of its existence. We traveled to New York for a meeting and met with Carl's family including his son, Matt, daughter and his second wife, Jane. He had met Jane while both were being treated at Sloan Kettering for cancer. I believe I took over as President because Carl called and said his cancer had recurred. He died on my 40th birthday in 1980. Jane died two years after that. I knew we had helped Matt and his sister, but often wondered what had happened to them.
I spoke to Matt before he left to go back to China and he told me that his son has accepted the nomination and will attend the Academy. He indicated Al Griggs met with his son and the meeting was instrumental in Carl deciding to go to the Academy. Al had taken Matt to the Academy when he was younger to see the Carl Kolon's class ring that is in the collection in the library. Matt told me the exhibit showed the ring was donated by Jane, Carl's wife, but actually Carl left the ring to Matt, so the notation should be changed.
Michael Krause reports that Michael Blackledge is now the proud owner of the china. Here's what Blackie sent to Mike Krause:
Gentlemen: I can report that the two FedEx boxes arrived today, 23 Dec 2013.
As some of you may be aware, we are often Breaking Bad in Albuquerque. Thus this evening when we unpacked the entire set, we were impressed and relieved as to how well everything was packed and what great shape everything was in. We also are tremendously impressed by the quality and the condition of the Wedgwood plates, bread and butter plates, and cups and saucers. This was a generous gift, first by Michael Krause, and secondly by Sandy Stoddard. Bonnie and I are pleased that we can provide a good home for this impressive set of china, and that the Class of 1963 Center for Academic Excellence has benefited twice from your generosity.
Christmas Eve Eve was an earlier than expected arrival of the FedEx shipment, and provided a most beautiful way to start the Christmas season here in New Mexico. Hopefully, Jim, you - and your P.O.Box, and the CAE - have received my check as well.
Bonnie and I again thank each of you for the part you played in this transaction, and as Bugs Bunny might say, if you ever make that wrong left turn at Albuquerque, please stop in at Toro Street and have a cup of tea on us - and the USNA CAE Wedgwood.
Merry Christmas to all,
- Blackie and Bonnie - and Bugs
She rapidly closed the final distance between us and said "You're the guys who build the Academic Center. I'm in the Class of 2010 and if it had not been for the Academic Center, I never would have graduated".
We talked for a few more minutes and she remained animated and effusive about the CAE.
Details on the china can be seen at www.usnawedgwood.com
Anyone interested in purchasing or making an offer to for this complete set of unique antique china should contact Mike Krause at msk7736@gmail.com
The 63 CAE provides study skills, tutoring in the more difficult subjects such as math and chemistry, organization for the in the hall tutoring sessions held by some of the Mids who are doing well in a specific subject, writing and reading improvement programs and general education counseling. Recently 600 + plebes are using the 63 CAE and 1400 + upperclassmen, about half the Brigade. In the Class of 2013 one grad who graduated 14th and was awarded a Rhodes scholarship used the 63 CAE during her second class year. As the 63 CAE is now between the 7th and 8th wing access to the Mids has improved.
As we all had Classmates who had terrific academic problems, the 63 CAE is helping to improve this situation. Today the academic failure rate is less than 5 %. Overall the attrition rate is about 15% but that reflects some who decide the Academy is not for them. The recurring question is always, if this program is so important why, doesn't the government fund the program in its entirety.
In the past the funding of the 63 CAE was about 60% government and 40% private donations, similar to other programs at USNA other than the instruction itself. This will be changing as government funds are reduced, however the needs of the 63 CAE are increasing. By 2020 the expectation is that the percentage will be reversed. THE KEY HERE IS THAT PRIVATE FUNDING PROVIDES THE MARGIN OF EXCELLENCE!
To date, including donations for deceased Classmates, 64% of our graduating Classmates (561 of 875) have made a contribution to the 63 CAE. That is a good start, but more is needed.
Presently, we have funds donated or committed in the amount of $5.7 million including the funds committed at our 40th reunion. We still need more to reach our goal of 100% participation and $6,300,000!! Please help!!
The spreadsheet shown below contains the final status of our Company Competition to raise funds for the Class of 1963 CAE. There was quite a flurry of activity just prior to the 50th Reunion that resulted in the following:Seventy three percent of the Class are now listed as donors First and Twenty-fourth Companies reached 100% participation and were honored as Color Companies at the Reunion Twenty-third Company came in a close second with 95% We recognized 100% of our deceased classmates Nineteen Companies met or exceeded the individual company goal of at least 63% participation My hat's off to the two color companies for achieving 100% participation! I know how much work that entailed. I also appreciated the opportunity to work with all of you on this competition. Thanks for all your support over the last year. Phillip Marsden
Click Here (HTML) or Click Here (Word) 63 CAE Company Competition Letter
Click Here (Adobe Reader) Class of 1963 CAE Pledge Form 2013
Click Here CAE Fundraising Letter
The last "push" for CAE Raffle Ticket Sales will take place at registration for the 50th at Loew's Hotel in Annapolis Thursday 10/23/2013 from 0900 to 1630 and on Friday 10/24/2013 from 0800 to 1200.I'd like to get some volunteers to help in these final sale prior to the drawing at the Class Dinner Saturday evening 10/25. I have set up a schedule (See attached Watch Bill) in essentially two hour "watches". Husband and wife teams would be welcome, as well as "stags". So far we have sold about $30,000 worth of tickets and have $20,000 still available.
If anyone is interested in helping out, please send me an email with preferred watch hours per the attached watch schedule, which dovetails with Bill Earner's registration schedule at Loew's Hotel. Since I signed up for golf on Thursday at 0900, I need someone to kick off the operation and I will meet with them for breakfast Thursday morning to pass along the Watch Bill, tickets, etc. If folks are unable to do the entire two-hour watch, let me know and I will attempt to adjust accordingly. If you'd like to help out, send me your cell number and email address along with preferred times. It would probably be best to have two guys on watch at the same time...
All one has to do is have the buyers fill out the ticket stub(s) and collect a check (Tickets are $50 each). Then give the buyer the tickets and retain the stub for the drawing Saturday evening. Leave the checks and stubs in an envelope that I will provide at the hotel desk in my name and I will pick them up Saturday. I am not staying at Loew's, but will stop by.
A form to purchase the tickets is available on the class website at Click Here.
Looking forward to seeing everyone in about 5.5 weeks!
PS: I will be out of contact from this Thursday until a week from Wednesday as I will be in the Fatherland (TEXAS) hunting wild Hawgs! I can be reached at email msk7736@gmail.com or on cell at 203-249-4876. Thanks in advance for your consideration.
-- Regards,
Michael S. Krause
As of today, 92 individual classmates have purchased a total of 328 raffle tickets. Ticket sales total $16,410 including $250 or 5 tickets on consignment. Sevearl classmates have followed up initial purchases made last year with additional purchases this year. The drawing will be held at our 50th Reunion Class Dinner on Friday 25 October 2013 in Annapolis. You need not be present to win.The Grand Prize is a twelve place setting of Naval Academy Wedgwood China commissioned by the USNA Alumni Association in 1934 donated by Mike and Kathy Krause.
The First Prize is a weekend at Mike and Sheila Bonsignore’s home in Santa Barbara, CA for two couples. The weekend to include one dinner at the Bonsignore’s lovely home in the Montecito Hills overlooking the Pacific Ocean with wines from Mike’s cellar plus a dinner at a “hot” restaurant in Santa Barbara also with wines from Mike’s cellar and a tour of the Santa Barbara area wine country.
The Runner Up will receive a bottle of Chateau Lafite Vintage 2000 Bordeaux wine from Ken and Sandy Metviner’s wine cellar.
We recently added two additional prizes: A week at Al and Sally Griggs’ Lake House on beautiful Lake Sunapee, NH. Photos of the Griggs' Sunapee home can be seen at: Click Here. (Webmaster had to request access to view the photos)
Ollie Donelan has donated a 1962 Army Game football with Wayne Hardin's and Roger Staubach's signatures as well as several of our classmates including chairman of the ALINTC, Ron Klemick. Photo below
We still have over six hundred tickets available for classmates and friends. Spencer Johnson has tickets in Annapolis and Tim Cook has a few on the west coast that they would be glad to sell. The raffle offers participants a chance to support the Center for Academic Excellence and possibly win a very significant and memorable prize.
A form to purchase the tickets is available on the class website at Click Here. or contact Mike Krause directly at msk7736@gmail.com or at 203-249-4876 and he will arrange a paperless purchase transaction!
Click Here for the special pre-50th reunion 2013 Newsletter
Click Here for the June 2013 Newsletter
Instructions Click HereSample Request Letter Click Here
Mike Blackledge has pointed out that "Qualified Charitable Distribution was re-instated by "fiscal cliff" legislation (and extended for the next few days, i.e., to the end of the January for Tax Year 2012 purposes). The advantage to classmates is that any such charitable distribution is not counted toward the amount taxed under their MRD. Besides the tax advantage for Tax Year 2012, we can do a similar distribution this year (prior to 50th, let's say) for Tax Year 2013."Here's a Wall Street Journal note:
Mike also provided a sample letter which you can send to your IRA institution or you can just call them: Click Here
This is a good way to support the CAE and save yourself some taxes.
View Financial Statement at Click Here
View Spencer's remarks at Click Here
View Dr. Bukowski's letter in PDF at Click Here
The CAE move from the Library to the Levy Center is complete.. The ribbon-cutting for the CAE is confirmed for Friday 21 September at 1300. VADM Miller will attend. You are invited to attend with a small contingent of classmates. I suggest no more than 10. Bruce Bukowski was unable to reschedule the event to the following Friday per your request. However, he said he would be happy to conduct a tour for any of your classmates who may be in town on the last weekend in September.(Webmaster Note: If you'd like to attend I suggest you contact Spencer well beforehand)
So far, we have sold 163 tickets of the 1,000 available raising a total of $8,160 toward our goal of $50,000 (One person purchased a ticket for $60.00, that’s why the total does not compute exactly).Anyone interested in purchasing tickets can send the application form posted on the website to me along with a check for $50.00 per ticket or contact me by email at msk7736@gmail.com
The brochure for the 50th Reunion CAE Raffle can be viewed in PDF at Click HereThe order form for raffle tickets which you can print out is Here
Following the success of the Silent Auction at the Mid Term Reunion, the Class of 1963 Foundation and the Class of 1963 along with the 50th Reunion Committee led by Bill Earner are supporting a Raffle to be held during the 50th Reunion in Annapolis. Among the items to be raffled are a complete set of twelve place settings of antique Wedgwood Naval Academy plates, cups, saucers and bread plates donated by Mike and Kathy Krause in the Staffordshire Blue color. The background on these plates can be reviewed at Click Here.In addition to this very desirable and collectable set is a weekend for two couples at Mike and Sheila Bonsignore’s home in Santa Barbara, California and a bottle of Chateau Lafite Rothschild from the exceptional Bordeaux vintage of 2000 donated by Ken and Sandy Metviner.
The value of each of these raffle items is in excess of $3,000. A total of 1,000 raffle tickets will be sold starting in the spring of 2012 until the 50th Reunion at $50.00 each. The $50,000 proceeds from the raffle will support the Class of 1963 Center for Academic Excellence.
Dear Colleagues:It is my pleasure to announce that Dr. Bruce Bukowski has accepted our offer to serve as Director of the Class of 1963 Center for Academic Excellence at the Naval Academy. Bruce is the current Director of Academic Advising and Exploration Center at the University of Wisconsin – Whitewater, and he has an extensive background and reputation in the area of academic support centers. Bruce will begin work at the Academy on July 11. The official news release is attached.
I want to thank the entire search committee, led by Dr. Christine Copper, for its extraordinary work in bringing many superb candidates to the Yard and for helping to lure Dr. Bukowski to the Academy. We owe them many thanks for leading this process so effectively.
Best regards,
Andrew T. Phillips
Academic Dean and Provost
Click Here 2010 Stewardship report on the CAE.
Dear Spence, Dave, and Ken!This is a great time for me to thank you again for the generous and important support the Class of 1963 has provided for the CAE. As you know, we've talked several times over the past year about the importance of the CAE, and its associated accomplishments.
You may also be aware that we recently concluded an external "review" of the CAE. This is a normal process that we undertake for every academic program at the Academy. On a regular cycle of every five years, we invite a team of three external consultants (typically experts in the discipline under review) to come to the Academy and give us their best advice about what we're doing well and what we could improve. It turns out that it had been about 15 years since the last CAE review, so we felt this assessment of our work was really important to do now. And we're very pleased with the result- we're doing many, many things very well.
As strong supporters of the CAE, I thought you might like to read the following remark made by the visiting committee, which I think summarizes quite well the impact that this program makes:
"Among the most notable assets of the Center for Academic Excellence (CAE) is its dedicated and experienced staff. All clearly understand and support the USNA and CAE mission and are committed to developing midshipmen into outstanding young officers. These same attributes were also observed in the community members who provide evening tutoring services. Every midshipman we interviewed spoke glowingly of the CAE staff. Many said they would not still be at USNA without the help and support they received from CAE personnel. These midshipmen benefited from the small class sizes, the individualized attention and the student learning-focused pedagogy. This approach really helped them grasp course material and increased their confidence to perform in the classroom and in the Brigade. Several midshipmen reported CAE staff remained in contact with them long after they had completed their CAE programs."
Thanks again for your support. As you can see from the quote above, the CAE has been doing outstanding work in support of the midshipmen, and your funding has made a considerable difference!
Best regards,
We are proposing a commemorative plaque for the 63 CAE, listing the major donors, congregated by "striper" levels: for example, a six-figure gift gets you six stripes.
Here is your chance to wear as many stripes as you want!
$100,000 6 striper
$63,000 5 striper
$37,600 4 striper
$18,900 3 striper
$12,600 2 striper
$6,300 1 striper
$2,500 MPO
Note from Dave Driskell (7/25/12): I would like to add my $.02 worth. As a Blue and Gold Officer for the past seven years I am personally aware of several midshipmen that credit the CAE for successful matriculation at USNA. This is the jewel in our collective crown in addition to being the gift that keeps on giving. My check is in the mail. (I thought I had already donated !!)Exchange of notes between Larry Marsh and the parents of a member of 2013 (1/25/10): From Brenda and Michael Owen:Dear Mr. Marsh,
I am sure you do not remember us from the I-Day picnic, but my husband and I were so impressed and honored to meet you. You were so gracious to sit with us for awhile recalling your days on the yard. Our daughter Kelsey is a plebe in the class of 2013.Your class acted so generously in providing the Academic Excellence Center. We want to assure you those efforts were not in vain. Our daughter has made good use of the facility. Because of you and others the links in the chain can remain strong and students can receive the help they need. ( Kelsey did end the first semester with a 3.38).
Thank you again for your service to our country and your contributions to the Naval Academy.
Michael and Brenda Owen
Go NavyAnd from Larry:
Dear Michael and Brenda,
I sincerely thank you for your kind and thoughtful e-mail. I am glad Kelsey is doing well and completed her first Plebe semester with such an impressive GPA! And, I am especially pleased that the Center for Academic Excellence has made a big difference in her studies. It is feedback like yours that pleases me and my Class of 1963 Classmates. I am forwarding your e-mail and my response on to our Class President and the President of our Class Foundation, both of whom will certainly enjoy and appreciate your words as much as I have. I am sure they will in turn share it further with all our Classmates. Thanks again!I know you had a good time watching the NAVY-Army game this year, and the Texas Bowl. My wife (also copied on this e-mail) and I were in Philadelphia for the great win on 12 December, and, of course, we were glued to our TV on New Years Eve. GO NAVY!
Thank you again, and all of us in The Link in The Chain (Class of 1963- "Quality '63!") continue to wish Kelsey and both of you the very best. We look forward to seeing you again in "The Yard" very soon. Stay in touch.
Larry Marsh
RADM, USN (Retired)
USNA, Class of 1963
Thank you for the work you and others have put into the Center For Academic Excellence initiative.For me it represents a very personal reality as in 1963 I faced a re-exam (my first and only) first class year, June week about 10 days away. In those days there was no organized, directed help available. If lucky (I wasn't) a slash classmate would help prepare otherwise it was...good luck. I squeaked by and graduated on time.
Looking at the CAE and its established track record I can't help but think of my experience and of the many classmates we lost over the four year stint on the Severn that would have, SHOULD have graduated with us had this program existed.
I can't fix the past but CAN affect the future. Thus my pledge.
August 9, 2009--Letter from Foundation President David Pucett to the new Academic Dean Andrew T. Phillips, and his reply to David and Class President Spencer Johnson Dr Phillips, welcome aboard!! I enjoyed reading about you in the last Shipmate and I wish you every success!I would also like to introduce myself. I am the President of the Class of 1963 Foundation. As you are no doubt aware, our Class supports the '63 Center for Academic Excellence and we are in the middle of a fund raising effort to provide at least another $1,963,000 to the Center at our 50th reunion. From time to time, Dr Miller has made himself available to help us in this effort and I would like to ask you if you would be willing to do the same. At this time, I do not have a specific request but I wanted to introduce myself and welcome you aboard. I look forward to meeting you sometime when I am in Annapolis.
If I, or our Class, can help you in any way please no not hesitate to contact me or our Class President, Spencer Johnson.
---And Dean Andrew T. Phillips' reply:---
Hello David and Spence,
I appreciate the email and of course the very gracious support for the Class of 63 CAE. I had the great pleasure of spending some time with Spence at Ogle Hall on Friday, and then again at the Parade this morning. We got to talk quite a bit about your plans, and I'm most eager to help in any way that you see fit.
Please feel free to call any time-- I'm happy to set aside time to talk with you all whenever you like.
We're all very grateful for the support provided by the Class of 1963. It has made such a big difference for midshipmen. In case you did not know, our attrition due to academic reasons is now down to about 3% over 4 years. That's incredible-it used to be above 20%. And fully 75% of ALL midshipmen make use of the CAE every year now. So, I have no doubt that your support for that Center is a central reason for our success.
Please stay in touch, and best regards!
AndyCAE 2007-2008 Annual Review(Adobe Reader document)
Presentation by CAE staff for our reunion of 1963
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) (Being Revised)
A friend of mine just sent me an article from the Investors Daily about Col Ripley. It reminded me that as we were both pall bearers for ADM Minter and waiting to start the service he was telling stories about his early meetings with the ADM while a Midshipman in academic trouble. What a help the 63 CAE would have been for him and what a loss to the Service if he had not graduated.Webmaster note--John Walter Ripley (June 29, 1939-October 28, 2008) was a United States Marine Corps officer who received the Navy Cross for his actions in combat during the Vietnam War. On Easter morning 1972, Captain Ripley, while under intense enemy fire, blew up a bridge to stop a major invasion. The story of "Ripley at the Bridge" is legendary in the Marine Corps and is captured in a diorama at the United States Naval Academy. His story is required reading for academy students.One other story, I have forgotten to tell. When I was at the Pitt Navy game and Judi and I were leaving, a young man in civilian dress came up to me and said thanks to you and your Class and its Academic Center, I am still a Midshipman. At first I wondered what was going on then I remembered I was wearing my 63 CAE button!! Great idea from Ken Metviner, so please wear your button when near USNA!!
November 2010 Newsletter (Click Here)
This letter contains information on:
Mid-term Reunion
Legacy Gift Fund Raising
Silent Auction at the Mid-term Reunion: See donation form
April 30, 2010 Balance Sheet
Click on Planned Giving 2010 Letter
December 31, 2008 Balance Sheet
June 2008 Foundation Newsletter/Balance Sheet
October 2007 Foundation Newsletter/Balance Sheet
January 2007 Foundation Newsletter/Balance Sheet
July 5, 2006-- Letter from W. C. Miller (requires Adobe Reader) USNA Academic Dean and Provost regarding the Class of 1963 Center for Academic Excellence. The Class Foundation is presently discussing further funding.
June 2006 Foundation Newsletter/Balance Sheet
June 2005 Foundation Newsletter/Balance Sheet from Foundation President, Dave Puckett
Dave Puckett asks: "In the linked letter we have asked for volunteers for two trustee vacancies by July 31. As we are late please consider this deadline August 31. After the nominating committee has a list of volunteers, they will select 3 to 4 candidates to fill the two open vacancies for your vote. Geographical considerations, "new blood" and commitment to the Class and Foundation's mission will be evaluated in determining the slate for your review. "
November 2004 Foundation Newsletter/Balance Sheet from Foundation President, Dave Puckett (Requires Acrobat Reader)
October 18, 2004--USNA63 Foundation 2004 Trustee election Letter from Dave Puckett
May 2004 Foundation Newsletter/Balance Sheet from Foundation President, Dave Puckett (Requires Acrobat Reader)
A Word from Foundation President, Jim Ring Summary of Foundation Assistance Provided Foundation Charter Thank You Notes from Beneficiaries
Classmates, first let me thank you for your response to the Class Foundation Survey. Our purpose was to get your input as to the future and I believe your thoughts have been clearly provided. The summary of the findings and what we see as our next steps is at Class of 1963 Foundation Survey Results.
If you have any comments or concerns please do not hesitate to send them to me or any member of the Board.
David Puckett
Class Foundation President
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