The 50th Reunion
USNA Class of 1963 |
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Here is a link to all the company group photos taken at your reunion. If you move your cursor over the photo being previewed, you will get a pop up box with options to view the photo in a larger size. The cost is $21.00 per 8 x 10 print, that price includes shipping and handling. Click Here (!i=3056773320&k=K2RcRvb)
You have a couple options to order. Please include full mailing address, company number and which print: members, members w/spouses, or both.
Send check to:
Photo Op
6025 Ivy League Drive
Catonsville, MD 21228
email credit card info:
-name on card
-card #
-exp. date
sec. code on back of card
billing zip code.
Please include full mailing address with all correspondence.
Click Here ( for the video of the Class of 1963 Singers and the Memorial Service.
  To review and order images made by roving photographer Debbie Latta at the parade and the dinner, visit her web site by clicking HERE .  To obtain a DVD video of the entire Memorial Service in the chapel, and the Class of 1963 singers at the banquet, go to the web site of InFocus Studios by clicking HERE or phone 443-871-5624.
  You can still order Company prints taken at the Class dinner. They are $20 each for 8 x 10, plus $2.00 shipping for the entire order.
You have a couple options to order. Please include full mailing address, Reunion year, co. # and which print: members, members w/spouses, or both. Options:
Send check to:
Photo Op
6025 Ivy League Drive
Catonsville, MD 21228or
email credit card info:
-name on card
-card #
-exp. date
sec. code on back of card(Amex 4 digit on front of card)
billing zip code.Please include full mailing address with all correspondence.
Click Here for a page from the "Navy Fall Crew Letter" about the Class of 1963 contributions to Navy Crew. The accomplishments of the class in the sport speaks for itself. Provided by Hugh Schall.
Click Here for the Chapel program
Click Here for some of Tom's memories
Click Here for some of Steve's memories
Click Here for Mike's fine speech at the Class Memorial Service in the Main Chapel
The Pittsburgh game was one of several highlights of our 50th. Buddy Wellborn '59 provides a play-by-play, Click Here. Buddy played varsity for Navy all three upper class years, and thus is one of the few Navy players who can boast having beat Notre Dame two years in a row.
Okay classmates, only four days until the reunion and we're still in need of volunteers. Specifically we need some help with the following activities:Saturday, 26 October
1100 - 1400--1 hour to collect tickets at tailgateSunday, 27 October0815-1200 1 hour to collect tickets at Loews brunchIf you can help, please email letting us know when you are available.
Thanks much,
Bill Earner
Over the past year, a number of you have asked how you can help with our reunion. Here are some ideas.Your reunion committee is looking for some volunteer help at our upcoming reunion. Specifically, we would like:
Thursday, 24 October
Noon to 1630-- 1 or 2 hours to help check in classmates. Folks staying at the Loews would find this especially easy and will meet lots of classmates and spouses.Friday, 25 October0830 to Noon--1 or 2 hours to help with second day check-in at Loews. Possibly for spouses not going to class meeting.Saturday, 26 October1830 -2000--1 hour to collect tickets at banquet
1100 - 1400--1 hour to collect tickets at tailgateSunday, 27 October0815-1200 1 hour to collect tickets at Loews brunchWe know time is our most precious commodity at this reunion and thank you in advance for giving up an hour or two for the benefit of all of us. If you can help, please email letting us know when you are available.
Thanks much,
Bill Earner
For company Webmasters or Reunion Activities Coordinators, the 50th Reunion Committee would like to know about the time and place of any dinners or other USNA company events on Thursday evening of the reunion weekend. This information will be posted at the reunion HQ hotel (Loews Annapolis) and perhaps also at the Country Inn and Suites.Please send information about your company's event to Bill Earner at
Click Here, for the September 2 list of classmates who have registered for the 50th Reunion.Company webmasters and each individual please look at their names and let the Earners know if there are errors, particularly in the company number. We have had a few classmates indicate the company they started with rather than the company they graduated with. It is easy to change now but will not be once football tickets and banquet tables have been assigned. If confused contact
The response for our 50th Reunion has been very good. While we can handle whatever space is demanded for most of our events, we are reaching a maximum capacity for our banquet . We are using Alumni Hall, the largest venue in Annapolis, but even there we will max out at about 810 both in physical space and caterer capacity. So, right now we have about 760 seats for the banquet taken and registrations keep pouring in. We hope to be able to handle everyone who has registered but once we meet the maximum, I will have to inform late registrants. Tailgate and other events will not be any problem. Finally, there will be no walk-ins at the banquet. We will be at our maximum.
Attention all '63 oarsmen, lightweights, heavyweights and all in between... even coxswains! As part of our 50th reunion, a gathering of our rowing classmates at Hubbard Hall is in the works. As the reunion committee has done a bang up job of planning an event filled weekend, our opportunity to get together is Wednesday evening, the 23rd of October. It's an opportunity to catch up with the guys with whom you generated a lot of sweat and blisters on the Severn and even won a few opponents' shirts. I have spoken with Coach Freidrich and the old N room is available for a catered cocktail party. A formal dinner is not available there. Please let me know if you are interested in participating. Having just relocated to Annapolis a few weeks ago, I am now local and happy to serve as coordinator. My email address is and phone number is 410-268-1868.Also during our reunion, Hubbard Hall will be open for coffee and bagels and a row, if you like, on Saturday morning before the football game for all alumni rowers. However our class meeting is scheduled for 1000 that morning. Thus for '63 rowers, Wednesday evening will be our time at the boathouse. I hope you all will try to make it and adjust your travel plans as necessary.
Let me hear from you so that I can make definitive arrangements.
Mike Pero
From Bill Earner:
Dress for men at our 50th reunion banquet on Friday evening will be business suit. Tuxes are not required nor expected.
From Bill Earner:
Classmates,We have received a number of requests for additional information beyond that provided in the Registration Package mailed recently.
These include:
Dietary Restrictions/ Limitations. Our caterers will try to accommodate all reasonable requests for dietary restrictions. They are working away from their home kitchens, however, and must be informed of special requests well ahead of time. To that end, please inform the reunion committee at of any dietary restrictions you face no later than 31 August 2013.
Restrictions our caterers can accommodate are
Low sodium/low salt, diabetic, Vegan items, gluten-free items
Our tailgate caterer cooks pit beef without salt but any hotdogs we may provide WILL have salt!
There will be light and low sodium salad dressingsWheelchairs. The stadium has a limited capacity for wheelchair seating. Each wheelchair spot they do have has a nearby assistant's seat. So far we have received 4 requests for wheelchair accommodation. If you need wheelchair accommodation, please inform us at at the soonest but no later than 31 August.
Tailgate. The Tailgate Party will be in a large tent INSIDE the west end of the stadium between the Class of 1953 pavilion and the Gold side seating. SO, you WILL need a football game ticket to gain access to the Tailgate Party.
The below link is to the PDF file of the same registration package that was sent to you at your home address. It includes: the letter from chairman; Bill Earner, Instructions for Golf tournament and registration form with instructions for online registration or which can be printed and mailed; A list of vendors with '63 items; Description of the Reunion; Block ordering of football tickets; Request for new or updated biographical information; and special notes.Note that registering online adds a 5% "processing" fee for use of credit cards.
Also note that Ray Kutch's email is incorrect in the section about 150 lb. football. Should be
Click Here, for the Registration Package.
Click Here, for the Golf Registration form.
Bill Earner sez: Anyone who will need wheelchair accommodation at the Pitt football game at our 50th should email Bob Forster,, or me at saying so . The ADA seating is limited at Navy-Marine Corps Stadium.
Bill Earner reports: the class is buying a block of tickets for the Fiftieth Reunion football game vs.PITT. Registration forms will be out soon and include tickets at $45 each.
As you firm up your travel plans for our 50th Reunion this October, you should be aware of a change in the previously announced schedule of events for that weekend. For reasons we could not control, the Class of 1963 memorial service cannot occur on Friday morning. Instead, it will be held at 1:00 PM on Sunday, 27 October, in the Naval Academy Chapel. Reunion registration materials will be mailed to you in March.
Hotels for the Fiftieth Reunion of USNA Class of 1963
O'Callaghan's Hotel 174 West St., Annapolis, MD 21401
Country Inn and Suites 2600 Housely Rd., Annapolis, MD 21401
So, now it's about 14 months or so to our 50th Reunion, and I'm putting out a first call for any of you stalwarts who have ever held forth at a party or a wedding or a church service to answer the need. All parts - tenor, baritone, and bass - are needed. We would probably just meet once or twice on the first or second days of our gathering to rehearse. Nothing is definite about when and where we would sing. If you are at all interested, please shoot me an e-mail at
- no obligation at this time. -Dick Kuntz, 21st Co.
Headquarters Hotel
Loews Hotel 126 West St., Annapolis, MD 21401
Class of 1963 block rate $289
Phone 800 526 2593
You must call the hotel directly at the above number and ask for the Class of 63 room block to get this rate and so that the class gets credit against our guarantee. Please do not reserve using a Website or a national 1-800 phone number.
Class of 1963 block rate $289
Phone 410 263 7700
You must call the hotel directly at the number above and ask for the Class of 63 room block to get this rate and so that the class gets credit against our guarantee. Please do not reserve using a website or national 1-800 phone number.
Class of 1963 block rate $179
Phone 410 571 6700
Again, call hotel directly and ask for Class of 63 room block. Please do not use a website or national 800 number.
August 7, 2012--Dick Kuntz is looking for singers
To all members of the Class of 63 -
Some time ago - I think it was the mid-term reunion in San Diego - I had a conversation with Bill Earner about the possibility/feasability of a small group from the Class of 63 singing the Navy Hymn or Navy Blue and Gold at our 50th Reunion. I said, surely there are four or eight or even sixteen of us who can carry a tune tolerably well, and could learn the parts for these pieces, and perhaps sing at the Memorial Service. Bill liked the idea and said "Run with it!"
May 10, 2011--50th Reunion Update
Reunion Chairman Bill Earner and his committee are hard at work planning for our 50th reunion in Annapolis. Following the great mid-term reunion (MTR) planned and executed by Chuck Stone and his dynamic West Coast reunion committee, there were a number of suggestions that our 50th reunion take place in the spring as opposed to the fall homecoming reunion date announced earlier. The reunion committee and Spencer Johnson conferred with the Alumni Association, the Naval Academy and the NAAA as to the feasibility of a 2013 Spring reunion, and after all the pros and cons of a Spring versus Fall reunion were taken into account, it has been decided to proceed with a Fall reunion 24-27 October 2013. An overriding consideration is the availability of facilities at the Academy for our events, particularly Alumni Hall for the class dinner (the only facility in town that will hold a group our size for the 50th), the Chapel for a memorial service, and a reliably scheduled sporting event for our tailgate party. The class of 1961 had their 50th reunion this April and they were unsuccessful in gaining access to the facilities they desired because of competing scheduled events in the yard that had priority. There was no sporting event for '61's reunion and no tailgate event. Their contact with their Link Class, 2011, only one week from the end of the semester and the onset of exams, and three weeks from Graduation week was limited to thirty midshipmen who attended their class dinner. Bill and Jennifer Earner and Spencer Johnson observed the set up in Alumni Hall for a seated dinner for the class of 61, as Jan and Pete Quinton did for the class of 1960, and talked to many attendees afterward. All reports and observations were very positive, including the space and ready ability to roam freely despite having a seated dinner. For these and other reasons it is decided to proceed with the Fall reunion when we can be fairly well assured of getting the facilities for the reunion that we all want for the 50th. Almost 400 rooms are reserved and consideration is being given to starting the reunion a day early, on Wednesday the 23rd to provide even more time to those who want to roam and schmooze over an even longer period of time. So save the dates now-24-27 October 2013-for our 50th reunion in Annapolis. More to come.
March 26, 2011--Outline of 50th Reunion Activities and Venues
See 50th Reunion Planning.
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