Shipmate Column
March-April 2025
Pres: CAPT W. Spencer Johnson IV, USN (Ret.)
Sec'y: Michael H. Shelley
27 Cambridge DR, Brevard, NC 28712
h: 828-506-2201 e: nstar@citcom.net
Web site: http://www.usna63.org.
For any classmate you can go to the Classmates Page and enter his name to read his current biography if available.
  There is much news to share this month. With regret, we begin by noting the loss of several classmates. Be sure to visit the Last Call section of our web site to read their obituaries and other information about their lives and careers.
  We have learned that Matthew M. Gretchen passed away on 15 August 2022. We have no contact information for his next of kin.
  Douglas H. Zanzot died on 15 November. We do not have contact information for his next of kin.
  James W. Eckert died on 27 November. Jim's widow, Cynthia, can be contacted at Glenside Farm, RR #2, Box 2520, Troy, PA 16947.
  Ralph D. Kimberlin passed away on 28 November. Ralph's son, Tony (USNA '89), can be contacted at 5030 Gardner Drive, Alexandria, VA 22304.
  Edward J. Wilkinson, Jr. died on 3 December. Skip's widow, Joanne, can be contacted at 17 Tide Turn Drive, Salem, SC 29676.
  John M. Truesdell passed away on 8 December. His son, Tim, can be contacted at 1331 North Abrego Drive, Green Valley, AZ 85614.
  Francis W. Hilton, Jr. passed away of 16 December. Frank's widow, Pam, can be contacted at 6 Revell Road, Severna Park, MD 21146.
  Ward Bond's widow, Carole, died on 2 December. We do not have contact information for her next of kin.
 Roger Mehle's ashes were inurned at the Naval Academy Columbarium on 4 December. Among the attendees at the service was Bob Harper, who sent this note.
Numerous classmates and wives were at the ceremony on a cold Annapolis day. Afterward, Colette Mehle was our leader in spirit and hospitality at the USNA O-Club with food and beverages that included hot coffee to quell the cold. Roger was a most accomplished man, but he never let you know it, preferring instead to enjoy your friendship.
 This photo shows classmates at the reception. Left to right are Eli Dabich, Pete Quinton, Jeff Miles, me, Spencer Johnson, Jim Ring, Mario Fiori, Kent Maxfield, and Satch Baumgart. The wives present included Andrea Johnson, Kate Ring, Susan Fiori, and Betty Maxfield.
After Roger Mehle's inurnment |
  Daryl Rabert submitted this account of a reunion of USNA roommates.
  In early December, three of four First Class year 15th Company roommates met on Key Largo, FL. The reunion was hosted by Ron Terwilliger, with Ken Carlsen flying in from Colorado Springs and me from Georgia. The location of our fourth roommate, Wayne McCreary , was still unknown.
 After dinner one evening we decided to hit the internet to search for Wayne. After several searches and no hits on his name, it came to me that Wayne's first name is Martin. We finally got a hit, and we had found our fourth roommate in California. A short phone call ensued. Since we found Wayne, he is an active participant in the monthly 15th Company Zoom get togethers.
15th Company roommates Ken Carlsen, Daryl Rabert, and Ron Terwilliger |
Ron, Daryl, and Ken |
  Our weekend with Ron was great. He had rarely seen Ken since graduation, so a few nights were spent catching up on years past. Ron, the gracious host, used his boat to show Ken and me around Key Largo. We also had a great time boating to several local restaurants around Key Largo for lunch where we enjoyed the local cuisine. We also discussed Navy football as well as current Naval Academy operations and academics. It was a great weekend together and hopefully we will do it again while we are still able to do so. Ken and I are very grateful to Ron for his hospitality.
  Several of our classmates have recently updated their Current Biographies on our web site. If you are not among them, please review your biography now. If you want to make changes or additions, just send your text, plus photos as you wish, by email to our Webmaster, Steve Coester, at scoester@cfl.rr.com. If you have never prepared your biography for our web site, it's not too late to send your information to Steve. Our biographies are a valuable record of our military and civilian careers and other aspects of our lives.
  Ted DelGaizo was among those who made recent updates. In reviewing his bio, I was surprised to see this mention of a contact with President Kennedy: " I was on the plebe detail after graduation and was fortunate enough to present the Class of 1963 Lucky Bag to President John F. Kennedy in Annapolis in August of 1963, three months prior to his tragic demise. I was quite honored to represent all of you on that memorable day."
 I thought a photo of JFK during his 1963 visit to the Naval Academy would be a good addition to this Shipmate column. I did some research and was surprised to find a ten-minute documentary film about the visit on YouTube. You can see it by clicking HERE . I was surprised to see footage of Ted presenting the Lucky Bag and JFK paging through it (at 1:42). Later in the film are two brief views of Paul Roundy (at 4:17)and Doug Davidson (at 6:40).
Ted DelGaizo |
JFK examines the '63 Lucky Bag |
  Dick Kell sent this news of a '63 mini reunion with two fine pictures from the event.
  On October 8th through the 12th, members of the Terrible 10th Company held a get-together in Colorado Springs celebrating our 20th Mini Reunion. The weather was perfect, and the group enjoyed three planned events. The first was a visit to the National Museum of WW II Aviation. We enjoyed a tour of the restoration facility where the aircraft are restored, and most are maintained in an operational status.
10th Company mini reunion in Colorado Springs |
 Appearing in the front row in this picture at the aviation museum are Marylyn Augur, Margarette Boley, Celes Buck, Sandra Biagini, Cathy Patterson, Kathy Breen, Jennifer Earner, and Lynda Spear. In the back row are Dick Augur, Lynne Kleinfeldt, John Boley, Earl Buck, Hugh Schall, Betti Small, Matt Small, Dick Kell, Bernie Patterson, Al Breen, Bill Earner, and Mike Spear.
 The next day the group enjoyed a ride to the top of Pike's Peak (14,115 ft) on the Broadmoor and Pikes Peak Cog Railway. This outing was designated "The Chuck Calvano Memorial Event" as our late companymate loved every railroad trip he ever took, but this was by far his favorite. The final event was a guided tour of the Garden of the Gods, a designated National Natural Landmark.
At the Garden of the Gods |
 Our group enjoyed several fine meals at Edelweiss Restaurant, Airplane Restaurant, and MacKenzie's Chop House, but the best times were just being together and sharing old stories. The reunions and the stories get better every year.
  Thanks, Dick, for being a first-time contributor to our Shipmate news exchange. I hope others among us will follow your lead and send some news to share with our classmates.
  Jim Oakes sent this news of his reunion with his Class of 1960 Firstie.
  The day before the Army game, I had lunch with my "Firstie," Dick Pariseau, and a high school classmate I was visiting, Dennis Lucey, in Arlington, VA. Dennis and I Dick took good care of me our plebe year. As you may recall Dick was a halfback on the football team and a mid-fielder and captain of our national championship lacrosse team that year. He was also first team all American. Dick started out in destroyers and transitioned to the nuclear submarine service to complete 20 years of service. I hadn't seen him since his graduation. Dick put his life story to print in his autobiography "Events in the Life of an Ordinary Man." It was a wonderful reunion!
Dick Pariseau '60 and his Plebe, Jim Oakes |
  Jim Metcalfe sent this nice photo taken when his First Companymate Ron Baxter and his wife Lettie drove to Virginia Beach from their home in Kill Devil Hills, NC, in December. The trio is shown together at Steinhilber's Restaurant, where the picture was taken.
Ron and Lettie Baxter with Jim Metcalfe |
  Our San Diego classmates and their ladies continue to be an inspiration for their faithful attendance at '63 events throughout the year. The most recent gathering was the annual party to watch the Army game. Phillip Marsden provided this news:
  A dedicated group of your SoCal classmates gathered to cheer on our Navy team to an exciting and resounding victory last Saturday. The win helped us forget last year's disappointment on the one-foot line. Singing second was a delight! Bringing home the Commander-in-Chief's Trophy was icing on the cake. The Point Loma Brigantine Restaurant was an excellent host and kept us in food and drink for the duration. This photo shows Phillip Marsden, Dave and Pattie Meyers, Dick Andrews, Donna Kaup, Jerry and Rowena Harken, Vern and Gail Von Sydow, and Grant Telfer. Our group enjoyed several fine restaurant meals, but the best times were just being together and sharing old stories. The reunions and the stories get better every year. As a bonus, here is a recent photo of June Stone, who couldn't attend but sent us her best wishes.
Beat Army in San Diego |
June Stone |
  On Inauguration Day this January there was a flurry of emails among our classmates who shared their memories of the Brigade of Midshipmen's participation in President Kennedy's inauguration in January of 1961. I am sure we all remember the snow, the intense cold (7-degree wind chill), the long parade march, lost overshoes, and the inaugural balls in the evening. Mike Blackledge has combined the texts of these remembrances. They are available in the Pride and Tradition section of our web site. They're fun to read, and you can see them by clicking HERE.
  Here's a diversion you may enjoy. I just learned that BBC, the British Broadcasting Corporation, has a collection of thousands of sound files that can be heard on the internet and downloaded for personal use. Included among them are categories such as aircraft, military, sport, machines, animals, etc. There are many files relating to the world wars. Vietnam sounds include naval gunfire, street fighting in Hue, and others. To visit the site, click HERE .
Thanks to everyone who contributed news this month. Now it's YOUR turn. We hope to hear from you soon.